2025 Regulations

Eastern Canadian Rally Championship - ECRC 

ECRC 2025 uses the results of the regional events held in the eastern part of Canada in order to establish a scoring among eligible participants. If the status of an event listed in the championship is national and regional, the regional event is taken in account.

This Series is fully supported by Canadian Association of Rallysport (CARS) and all events are sanctioned by CARS and the appropriate regional association Rallye Sport Québec, Rally Sport Ontario or Atlantic Region Motor Sport.

ECRC - 2025 Calendar

Members of the committee

Joel Labrecque (Rallye Perce-Neige)
Martin Loveridge (Voyageurs Rally)
Yannick Lefevbre (Rallye Vallée de la Beauce)
Danny Hudon (Rallye Baie-des-Chaleurs)
Bruce Leonard (Black Bear Rally)
Louis Montpellier (Rallye Défi Petite Nation) 
Mal Swan (Trout Lake Rally)
Samuel Tremblay (Rallye de Charlevoix)
Bruce Leonard (Lincoln Electric Tall Pines Rally)
Mal Swann (Atlantic Region Motor Sports) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
François East (Rallye Sport Québec) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
David Cotie (Rally Sport Ontario) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Project coordinator: Alain Bergeron (Website updates)

All inquiry related to these regulations and their interpretation must be submitted to project coordinator who will submit the issue to the members of the committee. The inquiry must be submitted on written form at:

Alain Bergeron
103, Grenadiers
Boischatel (Québec) G0A 1H0
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Format of the Championship

Number of events: 9
CARS regions: Quebec, Ontario and Atlantic
Number of events that participants will count: All
Minimum number of events started to be eligible to awards: 3


Participant’s eligibility:

Vehicles’ eligibility:

Drivers who start their first ECRC event of the year with a speed factor of 85 or more are not eligible for this series. Drivers who improve their speed factor at 85 or more part way through the year retain their eligibility until the end of the competition season.

There is no registration procedure to be part of the championship.


A standing will be established for:

Registration fees to championship

No registration fees will be asked of participants.


Standings will be based on general scoring per class and overall using the same scoring system as a national. Standings will be established among eligible drivers only. Co-driver gets the same points as the driver.

Driver’s Speed Factors

The speed factor list used will be the CARS speed factor list or the speed factor determine by the organizers of the event if not on the CARS list.


The ECRC results at an event will be published on the official notice board after the posting of the final official general results. The cumulative results for the season will be published on the Web site of the championship at www.ecrc-crec.ca


No event awards will be provided. Series awards will be provided for each class to participant with a minimum of 3 events started.

Awards presentation

The Awards presentation ceremony will be held during CARS Awards Ceremony in 2025.

For more information communicate with series registrar by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Version January 11 2025 AB